Friday, February 6, 2015

Reflection & Questions

After doing a lot of research, I realized that there are several factors that affect food security which made it hard to stick to my top since the others were just as important. If possible, I would like to find some connections between my factor and the other factors so I can at least address at some point. Which leads do my questions:

  • My topic/factor is human rights violation. Can I make a connection and say that ethinic conflicts, political conflicts, and gender inequality are leading factors of  human rights violations? or am I addressing several topics here? 
  • It was sometimes hard for me to find the information I'm looking. Can an interview of a Burmese immigrant count as research and a source? 

These are research questions that I would like to answer:

  • How can Burma be one of the leading agricultural countries but have its people suffer from poverty and hunger?
  • How is land distribution determined by the government?
  • What percentage of locally grown produce are distributed to the poor and landless? 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, insightful questions! Yes, an interview can count as a primary source.
