Monday, February 16, 2015

What problems or obstacles have you encountered during your independent study/research so far? How have you overcome these roadblocks?

The obstacle that I have encountered so far during my research is sticking to my topic and finding good research sources. My topic is human rights violations but, there are also other major factors that I believe trigger human rights violations or need just as much recognition. If I included them, it would make my case a lot stronger but, unfortunately I am not able to do that. To avoid addressing several topics at once, I have made a visual graphic organizer that includes the major points of my topic. It's really helpful because it make me address the major points in the order I want and prevents me from drifting off into a new topic. By the time I'm through with the graphic organizer, I look back to see whether I have answered the question thoroughly and by the end I realize it isn't necessary to add more.

As for finding good sources to use for my research, I have decided to also use interviews of burmese refugees as some of my primary sources. I believe these interviews will give better insight of Burma and my topic. I will also be taking a visit to the library to find books that may be resourceful.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is good that you have found other factors that play a part in the human rights violations. It helps you see the big picture more clearly!
